How To Make Your Marketing Plan Sticky!

Who actually likes getting sticky?  In the modern world, we always have handy wipes to keep us free from stickiness!

However, we want to talk to you about why having a sticky marketing plan is in fact, the best thing you could ever do for your business.

Making Sure Your Marketing Plan Is Aligned With Your Business

You may ask, what do I need my marketing plan to stick to in the first place? The answer is quite simply, your business!

Ok, that may seem like a straightforward answer, however, we want to share some of the findings from our research and experience that show, in so many cases, this doesn’t happen.

Take for example, the case of an engineering company who have clear commercial objectives and then separately have 1 person in the marketing department who has been asked to design a poster for an event and just share some contact on Facebook and look after the website. So, they have a small task list of what to do and that’s the extent of the plan.

There are loads of essentials missing here, firstly, they are not starting their plan with WHY but really the plan they have does not STICK to the businesses aims and objectives in any way.

Whatever your marketing team are doing needs to be stuck like glue to the commercial and operations requirements.

Creating A Plan Based On Commercial Outcomes

The best way to achieve this is to create a plan that has commercial outcomes as the outcomes marketing need to achieve on! Being able to align it that closely is vital. We need to avoid drifting off like a piece of driftwood on its own in the ocean of business. You can almost see it now, underneath the surface it’s a place of life, colour, diversity and innovation whilst on the top is a marketing piece of driftwood just floating with the waves but not penetrating into the operational side of things.

If we consider your business has a community made up of people engaged already and those you want to target as well as products/services and choice of communications. Those elements need to come together through your plan in such a way that they stick to the business. Marketing activity on a daily, granular level needs to be absolutely aligned to the outcomes needed.

If you want to find a new way of sticking your marketing plan to your business goals, talk to us about a button that stitches it on for you! Perhaps not actually sticky but we can guarantee a plan that is totally attached to your business and the parts that matter.