How To Align Marketing With Commercial Success

Lack of alignment impacts performance, outcomes, quality, time management, motivation and loads more.

This blog discusses how to address this by factoring in business outcomes as the framework to your marketing plan; marketing & commercial success should sit together on the same bench and look at the same view.

How Alignment Factors Into Different Jobs

It's quite amazing if you think about any job and factor in the concept of alignment.

For example, a decorator is putting up some patterned wallpaper and if it starts off just a bit out of line, by the time you get to the end of the wall, the whole thing is out!

You may be someone working in a warehouse and need to be able to quickly despatch goods to customers, but if items and labels are not aligned, you will spend way to long trying to find what you need.

Lack of alignment impacts performance, outcomes, quality, time management, motivation and loads more!

The Impact Of A Lack Of Alignment Between
A Marketing Plan & Commercial Goals

So, consider for a moment the impact of lack of alignment in respect of a marketing plan to commercial goals?

The impacts are exactly how we have suggested above and if we imagine in our businesses that we encounter a lack of:

  • performance,

  • successful outcomes,

  • quality,

  • time management,

  • motivation and more,

well that’s a significant impact on the overall business!

How To Align Marketing & Commercial Success

How to address this is to factor in business outcomes as the framework to your marketing plan.

Marketing activity needs to stand up right next to business reasons – marketing is not on one side of the lake while commercial success is on the other, the two sit on the same bench and look at the same view.

By showcasing marketing as a process, we start to see in our minds how the wheels of magic can keep turning and take us in the direction of commercial success. This also makes life stacks easier for those involved in marketing delivery and output. We see why!

A Long Term Sustainable Solution

The power involved here is immense – gaining that long term, sustainable solution is often as a result of subtle yet integral processes.

Here are 3 business reasons that we have identified as key within marketing activity:

  • Upselling to existing clients

  • Gaining client feedback

  • Referrals and testimonials

Consider what your team are doing in order to gain these. If these 3 elements are being covered and this is only a quarter of what needs to be addressed before a business can say they have a well oiled and aligned marketing machine, then it's going in the right direction.


In summary, if we start off with clear business reasons for our marketing activity and we know that those reasons power growth then we are aligned from day one and can then get going!

Our CPD accredited training has helped empower many businesses by aligning marketing activity to commercial outcomes.