Finding accountability as a solo business owner

This is a story about Meze Multi-Media, a fabulous micro business specializing in video production and social media, founded by Creative Director Christie Monk in 2022.  Christie booked on one of our group "Marketing Fundamentals" workshops at Button HQ.

Before the training, Christie only knew about marketing from an advertising and social media perspective. She said:

“I had a social media strategy but didn’t realise that it’s not the same as a marketing strategy. I probably couldn’t describe what a marketing strategy was or what it meant.”

She was unsure as to what a marketing plan should include and had no way of tracking her marketing activity. Christie stated:

“After the training I felt much clearer about the role that marketing plays in my business and how it’s connected to every area of my business. For example, the whole client process of capturing a lead, developing that lead into a client relationship, nurturing that relationship and after completing projects, asking for feedback and testimonials. I now realise that this is all connected to my marketing plan and it’s what will help my business to grow.”

As a result of the training, Christie had more clarity on the services she offers and who they are for. This in turn helped her to have a clear message in her outbound marketing (for example, her social media, website, and networking). Christie said:

“now that I have more clarity on my messaging as a business, my social media posts have been doing so much better. And I’ve been able to put more effort into networking as I’m clearer on what I’m selling.”

She also built a better onboarding and offboarding process into her business.

Christie signed up for our online marketing planning tool, My Marketing Button following the training. She commented:

“even though it’s just me in my business, I use My Marketing Button to track all my marketing activity. I’m now able to feel more accomplished when I ‘do the marketing’ as I can see what areas I’m working on most and which areas need my attention. It also brings a lot of accountability as a solo business owner.”

“I have so much more confidence in my marketing plan. Especially now that I know what tasks are ‘marketing tasks’ and so I now set more defined goals for each quarter and more productively achieve them. I’m excited to continue seeing more threads on my marketing button. And I’m excited to see the impact this has on my business and my current clients.”

If you've enjoyed this story and would like to chat to us about training in how to create a connected marketing plan for your business, why not get in touch?